First Century Doctrine?
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
This is the most sublime truth! It is the motive of God in the Divine Favor! It is the title of the greatest story ever told. Oh that you would know what it means!
But unless the book is opened and the story read, with constant acumen, and penetrating sagacity; behind the title, is a vacuum of ignorance, filled up with the rushing fury of all the demons of error and falsehood;
This title is seen at every sports event, rock and hip hop concerts, social and political events. John 3:16
The Church of the 20th Century, exploited and merchandised, this mystery, as they catered to the multitudes, wooing them to a god which was at that time, the greatest failure in the world; as He looooonged to save them, but was miserably unsuccessful, as the masses of careless, indifferent, disinterested, pagans, viewed his Son , as merely one of the pantheon of gods' in the universal café of the spiritual smorgasbord.
The implications were clear; God would fail to save millions of people for whom Christ died! By now it would be billions. The figures, since the beginning of time to the present, are staggering. This undoubtedly, makes god, the greatest failure in the universe.
He is a god that cannot save! Isa 45:20
This is the god, to whom many are giving all praise, as they accept awards, for the vilest acts of hideous perversions, and the most blasphemous expressions imaginable!
This is the god presented to them in "Chuch"(intentional), when they were growing up, just waiting to get on the secular circuit, convinced that the world, is where it's at!
And now they have covenanted with a more powerful god, than that above. Because the god they now have, can deliver! And He does deliver. Mt 4:8,9
But! These same old Evangelist, have changed the
script a bit!
Everyone will get to heaven. The door is wide open; Jesus is
not a failure after all.
For, if you don't even know him, but live a good life, are well intentioned, are seeking the light, have shown extreme devotion to the pagan gods; though you have not met Christ, in the truth, and bowed the knee to an enthroned King, in repentance and faith, having been born again; guess what? You still get in! Isn't that great?
Ask Billy Graham, Robert Schuler, Joel Olsteen and a legion of other popular preachers who are pedaling presently to the masses this strong delusion, in preparation for damnation. 2Peter2:1-3
The truth is, that God does love this world. And because He does, He has sacrificially offered His Son for the redemption of sinners, from every nation kindred and tribe, who will believe!
And He has secured, infallibly the efficacy of His Son's death, by choosing, calling quickening and confirming Jesus Christ as Lord to the hearts of those who were formerly dead in trespasses and sin, and under the wrath of God, unwilling, and unable to come to God, unless, and until, in Mercy He drew them to Himself, in everlasting love, by the Power of His Spirit, in the truth of the gospel!
There will be an host of happy, grateful, humble, thankful, redeemed, sinners who are most definitely aware that God has, powerfully, irresistibly, saved them, out of the host of humanity for his own Glory!
And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; 10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. Rev 7:9,10
What wondrous Love is this, oh my soul?
Pastor Jesse Gistand
Grace Bible Church
San Leandro, CA 94572