Reformation Part II
The Time of Reformation
"The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing: Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience; Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation." Heb 9vs8-11.
The scriptures speak of only one kind of reformation; GOD’S reformation. It began at Calvary, when the sinners substitute became sin for us, satisfied the justice and wrath of GOD against our sins, and forever established an everlasting righteousness for those who believe.
From that time forward GOD has been turning the world of sinners upside down and inside out, redeeming them by the POWER of His Spirit and the message of His free Grace in Christ. See Acts 17vs6.
If we would seek a true reformation, if we would stop pretending to care for men’s souls, if we would cease to fear the repercussions of organizations and mission boards and the faces of men who feed our bellies, and believe GOD, we might see a reformation!
But we must pray, preach and pray!
PRAY: That GOD would send true laborers into the harvest. Men who will hazard their lives for the cause of Christ. Whose desire is to proclaim the power of the gospel to every creature under heaven. See John 4vs35. Our master taught his disciples never to presume upon the circumstances and times as men see them. But to labor in faith as with a blindfold only heeding the command to preach the gospel, sowing in faith, knowing that GOD’S Word will not return void, and that we will reap if we faint not.
This requires faith in the power of GOD, not the wisdom and strategies of men. And "without faith it is impossible to please GOD."
Nothing but a divine gust of wind from the hand of the Almighty will suffice to revive the dead bones of America’s religion. Do not be deceived, this nation is in a critical state, nothing but the Spirit of GOD can raise this dead apostate country of ours, from it’s dismal corruption and folly. We must prophesy to the wind like Ezekiel, that GOD would move and move mightily in these evil times. See Ez 37vs9.
PREACH: Again, be not deceived; the wind will not blow if the blood does not flow! The Spirit of GOD works only through the faithful proclamation of the gospel of Christ. See Acts 10vs44, 2Tim 4vs2, 1Cor 1vs17-18, 1Cor2vs1-5, 1Tim1vs9-10, and Titus 1vs1-3.
Our prayers will be our greatest delusion, and avail nothing, if we present to men a false Christ, as is the case this day. A Christ that is less than omnipotent, and that cannot, though he desires, to override the rebels will and renew it with a principle of life and faith in and towards a resurrected Christ who has obtained eternal redemption for us!
This is GOD’S reformation. A reformation that begins with informing the sinner.
Information: Acts 11vs14: The gospel is a message. A message about the doomed sinner's only hope. A message about justice, forgiveness, and salvation through Christ Jesus the LORD. Nothing but a forthright and faithful testimony of the finished work of Christ will be honored by the Spirit of GOD, by which the hearer is given a supernatural comprehension of the glory of GOD in the face of Jesus Christ. 2Cor4vs6
Transformation: This great truth of Christ is the transforming means of GOD the Holy Spirit to turn sinners into objects of grace and vessels of mercy, equipping them for ministry and service. The heart is renewed, the mind is transformed, the will is redirected and the affections are transcended and spiritual. See Rom 12vs1-3 Eph4vs23 Col 3vs1.
Reformation: When men have received eternal life, the seed of the gospel having been planted in the soul, there is by necessity a change of conduct, a rearrangement of duties because of new principles imparted by the divine nature; faith, hope and love, by which the renewed sinner is willing and ready to be a witness to Christ and his goodness, adorning himself in obedience, and thus proving profitable to his fellowman and society at large. Not for reward or merit. Not for a promise of land in the millennium. But simply because he has been taught by the grace of GOD to live righteously and sober in this present evil world. Therefore it is for the glory of GOD! See Eph 5vs1-6, Titus 2vs12, Titus 1vs1, Titus 3vs8, and 1Peter2vs11-12.
PRAY: Then we must pray that GOD sustain such a work of Grace. Only he can keep men from falling and present them without fault before the presence of His Glory!
If GOD ever does this, then we will learn what it truly
means to suffer for Christ!
Pastor JesseGistand
Grace Bible Church
San Leandro, CA 94572