For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of
Jacob are not consumed. Mal 3:6
This is the only reason there is a believing people
today! A people who believe God's word to be the very word of God, and its rule
to be the rule of life for the believer, and its message of free grace
and redemption through the blood atoning
sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the sins of His people: The immutable, unchangeable,
nature of the true and living GOD. Job said "He is of ONE mind, who can change Him?" This is rhetorical,
no one!
The God of truth, cannot fail, nor lie. He will never
be frustrated, nor discouraged. His Will, will be done, His purposes, His
decree's His edict's, statutes, covenants, promises, is GOSPEL!
Why? Because His works, are inseparably bound to His
And the LORD descended in the cloud, and stood with
him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. And the LORD passed by before
him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious,
longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for thousands,
forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of
the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation. Ex 34:5-7
He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set
judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law. Isa 42:4 All of His believing people know this to be
the truth of the gospel!
This too, describes the flawless, impeccable,
successful work of Jesus Christ in the salvation of His people!
All this, is because He does not change!
But this world is in a constant state of change. Everything is under the change process. All
our laws, customs and practices are constantly changing. One day this is in,
and tomorrow it's out. What is in vogue now will soon be antiquated and irrelevant. What's worse, this change process is deeply spiritual
in its source, and all encompassing in its influence.
The enemy of man's soul, has set out to morph (change)
the human race into the image of his depraved, vile, corrupt fiendish reprobate
nature. Look closely at our society, it
is gone mad! Rom 1
The enemy has long time now, sought to change times,
and laws. Dan 7:25 He blasphemes God on every hand. He has always called good evil, and evil
good, right wrong, and wrong right, and has successfully gotten most of the
world including the secular Church to compromise the unchanging, clear and
unambiguous, time tested, witness bearing, and solid foundational truth of
scripture about all things.
This diaprax would have destroyed national
Except the Lord Himself, in His unchanging Love and Grace,
saved a remnant, for His own Glory, all by Himself; who will not bow the knee
to Baal, worship the Babylonian god of this world, agree with the consensus
against God, there would be none left, we would all be consumed. “For by Free
Sovereign Grace are Ye Saved" Eph 2:8,9
Pastor Jesse Gistand
Grace Bible Church
San Leandro, CA 94572