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Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits
whether they are of God: because many false
prophets are gone out into the world. It is for us, therefore, to judge carefully, and not to think that any opinion will do. Besides, opinions have influence upon the conduct, and if a man have a wrong opinion, he will, most likely, in some way or other, have wrong conduct, for the two usually go together. A little excess in right may be faulty. It may be wise to look, but foolish to gaze. There is a very thin partition sometimes between that which is commendable and that which is censurable. Before I leave this point, I would urge you earnestly to be careful both as to the man you hear, and the words of his on which you rest. I beseech any of you who are attendants here, who are resting yourselves upon my words, to cease that habit. As the good man said to his boy, “My boy, pay as you go.” “Suppose I cannot pay, father.” “Then, don’t go;” so would I say to you, examine your life as you go. If you dare not examine an action, or look at it, then do not do it. This shall be an infallible test to you concerning anyone’s ministry. If it is man-praising, and man-honouring, it is not of God. C.H SPURGEON “The gospel is the plumb line for judging all theological edifices. Know the plumb line, so possess it, and use it. It will save you from human reasoning and the deceitfulness of your own heart to try and determine what is right, apart from the gospel.” Isa 8:20 / Ps 40:7 Remember it is always only about Him! John 5:39 PJesse
Grace Bible
Church: 1349 Hays Street - San Leandro, CA, 94577 - (510)
Comments and Questions: WebMaster (Scott).